Mel Bay Presents Jazz Guitar Ensembles MB 99875-77
Here’s a neat little package by Mel Bay. Jazz guitar ensembles featuring the writing of Chris Buzzelli, Dave Frackenpohl, Barry Greene, Adrian Ingram, and Steve Schenkel. The entire package has 3 books and 3 levels of difficulty. Level 3 (most difficult) is still very manageable by the average reader. All the tunes are originals or variations on standards. It comes with a score and individual parts. There are 5 arrangements in each book. This is a nicely put together presentation that adds beautifully to guitar ensemble repertoire. I should think guitar schools or workshops would be glad to get this collection. I know of Chris Buzzelli’s ensemble writing but not the others. All the charts are well written and very musical.
This is a highly recommended product.
Jack Wilkins 2005
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